Home > Red Ribbon Sunday
On December 1st, join the Diocese of Brooklyn and Aid to the Church in Need in honoring and remembering the persecuted and suffering Church and her faithful.
From December 1st until the Feast of the Epiphany, keep a red ribbon hung on your Christmas tree, displayed around your home – anywhere prominent you can think of – to spread awareness of the persecution of Christians throughout the world.
It is estimated, based on our own research, that some 300 million Christians are in danger of various forms of persecution. That means that one out of seven Christians lives in a country where believing in Jesus comes with the risk of displacement, arrest, human rights violations and even death.
Thank you for supporting our Red Ribbon Sunday Campaign with a donation, with prayer and with advocacy by spreading the word on Christian persecution.
With symbolism, with reflection, with action, you can make a world of difference this Christmas for our brothers and sisters in faith.
God bless you.